Most, if not all, babies suffer a strain on their neck, shoulders and
spine during birth, even natural virginal birth without intervention, which could
lead to compressed cranium (bones in the head). When left untreated this
could lead to issues like poor latching, poor feeding, colic, reflux and sleep
Craniosacral therapy helps babies to release:
- the effects of trauma of the birth process, (whether natural virginal
birth or ceasarean) on baby's cervicals
- compression and mis-alignment at the atlanto-occipital juncture
(the base of the skull)
- the strain on the neck, turning left & right and whether there
is a preference of one side, up/down
- cranium bones - whether there is compression, overlapping of
sutures,poor Cranial Rhythmic Impulse.
- suction of baby when breastfeeding - low/medium/high
- position of neck and head during breastfeeding, preference of one breast
to another,
- primitive reflexes
- number of times of feeding - whether after treatment there is a change duration
of breastfeeding
- sleep pattern - self-regulation of the circadian rhythm of baby and mum
Craniosacral Therapy is one of the best gentle therapies for mothers and
new born babies who experienced birth trauma so that they can release this
trauma, bond as one mother-child dyad and lead a stress-free and pain-free
life. Hopefully one day all mothers and babies will receive craniosacral
treatment immediately after birth.
Most babies go through a lot of tremendous energy force to be birthed and
suffer strains and tension on their neck and shoulder which could lead to
compression in their cranium (bones in the head). When left untreated
this could lead to issues like poor latching, poor feeding, colic, reflux and
sleep issues.
When the issues are not addressed, babies tend to have poor latching
colic, reflux, regurgitation, poor sleep pattern, cranky and fussy. Long
term effect would let to sensory processing disorder, compressed cranium, misshapen
head, poor attention span, ADHD and many other challenges.
Mothers, in turn, will be stressed, have poor breast milk supply, engorged
breast, etc.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and subtle whole body approach that releases tensions deep in the Central Nervous System so that every other systems in our body can relax and self correct, free itself of pain and other health issues.
"Each of us has an innate capacity for healing, to heal ourselves, to heal others and to help others heal themselves" - Subagh Singh Khalsa
Sometimes we need a little bit of help and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy could be just that.
To book a session please call Adida at 97426791. Thank you.